The stories of "Comfort women"
Data analysis & Photography
Find more details in Instagram: _n.euf_

During the World War II, between 360,000 and 410,000 women were forced into sexual slavery by the Imperial Japanese Army. 
Today, in China, only 9 of these women have survived into old age. 
Very few people acknowledge their experience, yet to ignore history is in itself a kind of generational shame; 
to forget is to risk repeating past horrors.

In French, the word ‘neuf’ means both ‘nine’ and ‘new’.  
This project will portray these women’s stories by creating strong visual impact through the use of statistics, data analysis and photography. 
Giving a new dimension to this topic. The aim is also to raise awareness about this historical catastrophy and to help people understand and, 
as a result, never forget the terrible consequences of war.
BOOKS 1 & 2 are connected and show the history of the “comfort women” system and the quantity of comfort stations and victim 
in each province in China.

BOOK 1 shows the data analysis and BOOK 2 is linked with a photo.
The page layout changes each time depending on the image. In order to convey the element found in each photo.

One page one photo, one photo one story.
One rational book full of information, and a second book that evokes emotions.
BOOKS 3 & 4 present the “comfort stations” in China and “comfort women”.
Inside these two books, there are my visit reports.
I placed my reports into the pages, just before each page there is tracing paper, so we can see it but we can’t touch it.

If people want to read these reports they have to use scissors, cutters or their hands to rip it open. 
But, no matter which tool they choose, the paper is broken, just like the life of the women.

By touching the pages, the aim is that people can feel closer to the survivors.

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